YOU create a strong immune system by the choices you make daily. Isn’t this really empowering? Covering your essential pathways to receiving prana and life supporting oxygen and socially isolating yourSelf is a false sense of protection. If that helps you stress less then you can do those things , but wouldn’t it be awesome to really fortify yourSelf so you just don’t fall prey to colds and flus?

The incredible healing system of  Ayurveda (sanscrit for the science of life), teaches us that our daily and seasonal practices, foods and herbs we consume and quality of sleep are what help us to create and maintain strong immunity. By choosing a natural healthy lifestyle you do this and you receive so much more!  

As the days are shorter and colder, we notice that more people are getting respiratory illnesses. This is why I’ve chosen to focus my bimonthly Zoom Master Classes on natural health remedies to prevent getting sick and what to do should you fall ill. 

I’ll share lifestyle habits, herbs and essential oils that will keep you feeling strong and vibrant! You will understand that you are not a victim of germs out there waiting to infect you and embrace that you are already a host to viruses and bacterias and it’s the state of your immune system that determines if you become overrun by an imbalance of those pathogens. 

Consuming certain herbs, diffusing pure essential oils, eating organic seasonal foods and getting plenty of sleep are a few important practices to create wellness. We want to be taking adaptogenic herbs daily to create resilience. Diffusing pure essential oils and applying them to the body raised your frequency and creates protection. The timing of when we eat and sleep also impact our resilience. Ayurvedic wisdom is very clear about this. Sleeping from 1am to 9am isn’t helping your body like sleeping from 10pm to 6am. Eating a heavy dinner late in the evening is not beneficial whereas eating your heaviest meal midday is. 

I’m passionate about sharing this knowledge and wisdom to others. We should have been taught this is school! Hopefully in the generations to come this will be! It starts with YOU and your family to make a real impact and to experience first hand the benefits. Invest in you first. You are your most important investment. You won’t be able to enjoy your golden years (and present years) with your stock market investments if you ignore the supreme importance of Self Care. Sadly, the conditioning has been to look for symptom suppressing and even harmful methods to deal with sickness rather than supporting the bodies ability to fight illness and emerge stronger. 

The beauty of learning health promoting habits and using natural remedies is that you truly are helping yourSelf. There are no health harmful side effects from these methods. 

Join my SWAN SAGE BODY BLISS membership and enjoy the Master Classes and a private forum on MeWe for additional support. For the time being they are too inexpensive to not do! Only $49 per month or save and join for the year at $499!

This is a very small investment for the most important thing you have which is your health! In fact Ayurveda describes health/immunity is Svastha which means being established in the Self. If you don’t have good health and a strong immune system you won’t enjoy your life too much! Let’s be real leaders here which is leading ourSelves and others back to nature and honoring our bodies. 

I also love working one on one,  teaching Chopra meditation classes, and Wisdom of the Earth essential oil certification classes! 

Connect with me now and we’ll hop on the phone for a free 20 call to learn more!

Candice Claire

IG candiceclaire_swansage
