The co-founder of the Chopra Center, David Simon, said there is one topic that gets people more charged than sex or money and that is FOOD! People are highly opinionated about the food they eat – all claiming their diet is the best be it paleo, vegan, vegetarian, raw, gluten free – you name it. When asked about mine I answer ORGANIC. As the wisdom and timeless teachings of Ayurveda state, each of us is made up of a unique combination of the 5 elements that create everything in our manifest world – earth, water, fire, air and space, so it would make sense that each of us needs a unique diet to balance her/his constitution (Dosha). As we wake up to the the universal knowledge of Ayurveda we begin to understand that our environment is us! It is our extended body that we must take care of just as we would take care of our teeth, skin, hair, etc… The thing is that the plants and trees don’t need us like we need them. In fact we cannot survive without them. They can survive quite nicely without us! Every breath you take is a gift from the trees. Every vegetable you consume allows you to digest the light of the life giving sun. The plant kingdom does this by photosynthesis and this is how we are able to ingest light. You hear our planet referred to as Mother Earth for a reason. She sustains us with the food and water that we need to nourish our physical bodies so that we can thrive and feel good. By not caring for her back we are committing a mass suicide really. When we poison her with pesticides, or mono crop thereby destroying the rich diversity in her soil that is so important for our nourishment, or adulterate the food she renders by over processing and chemically altering, we are destroying ourselves by poisoning the building blocks of a healthy body/mind. RETURNING to an organic diet isn’t some kind of fad, it’s a reconnecting with our own wisdom of universal biological unity. It’s a spiritual connection. By choosing organic you powerfully help heal your personal and extended body. How you eat is a personal choice depending on many factors – age, gender, climate, personal issues and beliefs – just make sure it’s organic! To learn more about Ayurveda and it’s timeless healing properties contact me for a course or coaching session. You will learn how to re-entrain yourself to natures rhythms which can help you sleep soundly, eat healthfully, normalize weight, detoxify, connect you with your life’s purpose, and improve your relationships to name a few! Meditate on this. Go ahead, hug a tree today! Honor your Mother! It’s a great way to acknowledge Self love!