If you are really serious about clearing ama (toxins) from your body, mind and spirit, you need to  commit to practices that help you do so. Information is all over the place, but it’s the transformation that will get you to where you want to go! Practices aren’t just about repetition of doing the same thing and achieving the same results, you actually want to be on an upward spiral. Iteration is a procedure in which repetition of a sequence of operations yields results successively closer to a desired result. This is why I highly encourage people to immerse themselves in BODY BLISS – An Ayurvedic habit evolution course – for at least a year or more. Speaking from personal experience, I continue to benefit each time I re-engage in the course. This is yoga. Doing something just once will deepen awareness and bring some results. It’s the continuation of the immersion that really transforms us! Each time we build on the previous one – this is iteration. When you get stuck, revisit your why. When your ego says “this is just the way it is” CHALLENGE it! That is never true. Take responsibility for your health. By choosing to justify what’s wrong you are choosing stagnation. The body has a highly sophisticated intelligence that knows how to heal. The key is to give the body what it needs to do so. Ayurveda shows that we have 7 Dhatus or tissue layers: Rasa (lymph), Rakta (blood/plasma), Mamsa (muscle), Medas (fat), Asthti (bone), Majja (bone marrow/nerves), Shukra (sexual essence). Each layer holds ama and when we get to the level of clearing Majja and Shukra we are getting deep! By continuing with healthy habits and entraining with nature we slowly build our immune system back which is how we heal. The immune system heals us, nothing else does. The shiny objects are what we experience first – weight loss, better tone, clearer skin, restful sleep, etc. The real transformation is when we start getting to the deeper, darker stuff. This is where the light meets the dark and profound transformation is possible. When we are meeting resistance and avoiding the underworld of our existence we are out of integrity. You know when you are out of integrity. It doesn’t feel right yet we can fool ourselves into making all kinds of excuses. You can break through that by continuing your commitment to automate your habits (Dinacharya). It doesn’t all happen at once. Sometimes, the progress may look slow. Perhaps you know that you are out of integrity by eating a lot at night. When you can sit with it with love and compassion you may realize you do this because you haven’t given yourself enough time to just be and enjoy during the day. You are out of integrity if you continue the belief that you don’t have time, you are always rushed, you always feel tired, etc. This is not living and it’s the illusion. Join or stay in our community of people committed to this healthy lifestyle and make your life blissful. It really helps to be coached and in a tribe! Contact me now for a phone conversation to learn more about how I can help you and if it’s right, enroll in the next round of BODY BLISS this June!